ya_ChoCha - Midi harmonising with probability.
ya_ChoCha creates a chord from incoming Mini with probability of up to four voices.
On/Off: switches each of the 4 voices on/off.
Chance: sets the probability for each voice.
Transpose: sets the interval of each voice in relation to the incoming Note.
Velocity: adds or subtracts velocity for each voice in relation to the incoming Note.
Unison Filter: prevents Notes of the same pitch. The rightmost voice has priority.
It’s free, but if you like it… don't be afraid to send a coffee.. Thanks.
Please note: These devices have been created for our own use and only been tested on Mac.
If you run into problems you may send reports and comments to contact@yarhammer.com
However, we do not officially offer support and might not be able to help or answer at all.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.